Many developers complain about JavaScript. Like Ruby, it is an an object-oriented computer programming language, but is commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. JavaScript was originally developed in 10 days in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, while he was working for Netscape Communications Corporation. Whether you end up loving it or hating it, it has been pervasive. It provides extra functionality and is often supplemental to HTML & CSS or used in tandem. There are also larger popular frameworks for front-end functionality such as Angular.js which was developed by Google and React.js which is maintained by Facebook. You can learn those too, but now lets look at using a very popular smaller library called jQuery.

If you find you like JavaScript you can learn more intro level language skills here:

Once you have mastered basic front end skills and JavaScript skills you might want to try your hand at more in depth front end frameworks such as React.js:

freeCodeCamp has awesome resources and a full curriculum for the whole JavaScript echo system and I highly reccomend it!