HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. What? It’s basically a way to tell your web browser how to display a web page’s words and images. You are likely viewing this page on the internet right now, using a web browser to view it. Popular web browsers include Safari, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. Lets take a look behind the scenes… Here is some HTML code:

		<title>Why I like to go swimming</title>
		<h1> Why I like to go swimming in the summer. </h1>
		<p> Swimming is my most favorite activity in the summer. When the sun is shining and the air is warm, you will find me dipping into my backyard pool. It’s not an impressive pool, only three feet deep, but it’s mine.</p>
		<p>There are three reasons I like to swim:</p>
			<li>I get lots of exercise</li>
			<li>I enjoy the freedom</li> 
			<li>I have an opportunity to be in the sun.</li>

Your browser will see the above instructions and render the below:

Why I like to go swimming

Why I like to go swimming in the summer.

Swimming is my most favorite activity in the summer. When the sun is shining and the air is warm, you will find me dipping into my backyard pool. It’s not an impressive pool, only three feet deep, but it’s mine.

There are three reasons I like to swim:

  • I get lots of exercise
  • I enjoy the freedom
  • I have an opportunity to be in the sun.

Very cool! Ready to dive in? Here are the resources to learn!